Hosted by Joe Klocek, Get It? is a unique take on a comedy show where the audience is part of the show. First, a comedian will perform a short set. After that, 3 audience members are chosen at random to answer questions about the performance to see who “gets it”. The game will consist of 2 regular rounds of 3 audience participants followed by a speed round to determine the Get it? Gameshow Champion. It’s the prefect combination of a night of comedy and a quirky game show. Check out this unique comedy experience at Cobb’s Comedy Club on Wednesday, January 25.


Event Information: 

Get It? Gameshow at Cobb’s San Francisco

Date: Wednesday, January 25

Times: 7:30PM

Location for the Show: 

Cobb’s Comedy Club (North Beach)
915 Columbus Ave
San Francisco, CA 94133

Venue Link:


Cobb's Comedy Club
915 Columbus Ave
 San Francisco, CA 94133


915 Columbus Ave
San Francisco, CA 94133
Cobb's Comedy Club
915 Columbus Ave
 San Francisco, CA 94133

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