The Haight-Ashbury District, commonly known as “The Haight,” is one of the most renowned neighborhoods in the Bay. Wedged between Golden Gate Park, the Panhandle, and Cole Valley, the attractive nightlife action falls on Haight St., between Stanyan and Masonic. The historic district gained worldwide fame as the center of the “Hippie Movement” in the 1960’s. Famous former residents include Janice Joplin, and bands like Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead.


Though the tie-dyed days are long gone, the distinct culture of the neighborhood continues to boast remnants of its vibrant past. The CrawlSF Team invites you relive the “Summer of Love” on August 20 as we crawl along Haight St. and grab drinks at some great Haight St. bars, like HQ Bar & Restaurant, Gold Cane, Hobson’s Choice, Milk Bar and more!


Upcoming CrawlSF Pub Crawls:

9/17: The 14th Annual North Beach Bar Run
10/29: Crawloween: San Francisco Halloween Pub Crawl
10/31: Adult Trick ‘r Treating Pub Crawl
11/23: The Turkey Trot Pub Crawl
12/3: CrawlSF Ugly Sweater Holiday Crawl

Pub Crawl Details:

CHECK-IN: The check-in for the Pub Crawl will be at HQ Bar & Restaurant between 4PM and 6:30PM. Please bring a copy of your order confirmation (you can also show us on your phone) and we will give you your Wristband and Pub Crawl Map.

CRAWLSF VIPs: CrawlSF VIP Card Holders will be on the list +1. Just go to the VIP line and show your ID to check in.
How does this work? Once you check in and receive your wristband and Pub Crawl Map, you can choose your own path. There will be too many people to be on a specific schedule (like 30 minutes per bar), so you can just follow the crowd at your own pace.


HQ Bar and Restaurant (Starting Bar)
1568 Haight St San Francisco, CA 94117


1568 Haight StSan Francisco, CA 94117
HQ Bar and Restaurant (Starting Bar)
1568 Haight St San Francisco, CA 94117

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