In 1936, an anti-drug propaganda film called Reefer Madness was released, portraying the disasters that ensue when some teenagers decide to try “marijuana” — otherwise known as the devil’s drug. In the 1970s, the film was rediscovered and became a cult classic due to its over-the-top portrayal of the alleged dangers of smoking weed, which include death, destruction, madness and … jazz. Inspired by the original film, this tongue-in-cheek musical comedy continues the hijinks in an even wackier form, memorializing the melodrama in songs that range from Broadway-style showstoppers to swing tunes. It would be a big mistake to (puff, puff) pass on this production of Reefer Madness: The Musical at Victoria Theatre in San Francisco.


Victoria Theater
2961 16th Street San Francisco, CA 94103


2961 16th StreetSan Francisco, CA 94103
Victoria Theater
2961 16th Street San Francisco, CA 94103

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