Hosted by Martin Lawrence, who was also the host of Def Comedy Jam on HBO and the star of his own show, Martin, the Lit AF Festival is coming to Oakland. This is the follow up to the 2018 Lit AF Tour and promises to be even bigger and better than before. This event allows Lawrence to pul together some of the best comedians in the business like Hannibal Buress, Ricky Smiley, Donnell Rawlings, Michael Blackson and more for a multi-city tour. This much-anticipated event is making a stop in Oakland, California on Saturday, November 20 as DeRay Davis, Rickey Smiley, Bruce Bruce take the stage, with MC Martin Lawrence filling in the gaps. The event starts at 7:30PM at Oakland Arena. 

Event Details: 

Lit AF Tour featuring Martin Lawrence

Oakland Arena
7000 Coliseum Way
Oakland, CA 94621

Phone: 510-569-2121

Oakland Arena
7000 Coliseum Way Oakland, CA 94621


7000 Coliseum WayOakland, CA 94621
Oakland Arena
7000 Coliseum Way Oakland, CA 94621

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